Improving the public perception on sustainable use of water resources and landscape planning for increase of ecosystem services in global changing environment (LaPlaNt)

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Improving the public perception on sustainable use of water resources and landscape planning for increase of ecosystem services in global changing environment (LaPlaNt) |
Project Website | |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Objective of the Project |
The proposed project aims to increase the public awareness and the awareness of professional bodies on the hydrological and ecological functioning of the agricultural landscape and the possibilities of improving its ecosystem services during the different modes of its use in relation to the dynamics of natural factors. Through popular educational means the roles of various segments of the landscape will be explained in terms of the impact on the water cycle processes, water quality, water quantity, soil erosion, floods, droughts and related responses of ecosystems in terms of the circulation of water, nutrients and biodiversity. The process of deeper mutual awareness between subjects performing various activities in the country will be started, using graphically attractive web application (interactive landscape games), seminars and workshops with the participation of project developers and external experts. Therefore the project aims at the optimal consistency of citizens' interests (farmers, land owners, students), government and river basin management in connection with the operation of water and soil in the landscape under various scenarios of land use in the basin and the weather conditions with regard to various landscape roles, such as the protection of biologically valuable sites, agriculture, ecosystem services or urban functions. On one hand, the project will focus on the explanation of still poorly perceived different roles of the various segments of the landscape and the rationale for the need of their distinct management principles and on the other hand, on emphasizing an integrated approach to the protection of the landscape, surface and ground waters, soil or settlements in relation to global changes. Means and Tools of the Project (landscape play, seminars and workshops) will allow the evaluation of attitudes and ideas of stakeholders (operators) to sustainable landscape management and will suggest the possibility of deeper involvement in the processes that will lead to the improvement of ecosystem services and the biodiversity of landscapes in the Czech Republic. The achieved results will serve as a basis for more effective landscape planning, for example within projecting Complete landscaping (KPÚ), Territorial system of ecological stability (ÚSES), GAEC systems, or implementation of the action programs of the Nitrate Directive, assurance of water resources, etc. Ultimately, this will help the Czech Republic with the implementation of mandatory targets set out in the strategic documents of the European Commission such as the Water Framework Directive, Groundwater Directive, the proposed Soil Framework Directive, GSBI (Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative) or the so called The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020. The specific objective will be performed by a set of project outputs focusing both on potential users of the project from the public authorities and participants of the local and regional development of the Czech countryside, as well as the professional domestic and international sphere. The development of individual rural regions is dependent on the level of social cohesion, generated social networks in the region based on the bottom up principle and also on the quality and structure of human resources. The project aims to identify the main challenges and opportunities for the development of the protection of natural resources in the agricultural landscape based on a set of evaluation of individual data sources, or knowledge. From the point of view of the cost effectiveness of expended supporting funds from the EU funds under the common agricultural policy in recent periods and in the planned period 2014 - 2020 of the effective use of expended financial resources. The aim of the project is therefore to propose - on this basis - scenarios for more successful spending to support the protection of natural resources in relation to the socio-economic aspects, support of the agricultural and rural development, and thereby strengthen the position of the Czech countryside within the national and European environments.
Approved grant |
Approximately 265 277 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |