Krkonoše - men and nature

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Krkonoše - men and nature |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Krkonoše National Park Administration |
Objective of the Project |
Krkonoše National Park was established in 1963 and in that time it has built up a broad public awareness of its existence. Throughout the duration of the National Park the KRNAP Administration has been trying to play an active role not only in the field of nature protection, but also in environmental education and awareness, as well as an advocate of nature protection. Therefore, it is the founder of several museums and information centers and it regularly publishes various publications and organizes public events. Monthly magazine Krkonoše and Jizerské Mountains became popular. At the same time it issues a number of publications, brochures and leaflets each year, it organizes many exhibitions and cultural and educational events and generally works with both visitors and local residents. Traditional communication tools, however, seem to be outdated in more recent years. In hectic time many people need information as quickly as possible and during a visit in Krkonoše Mountains they focus on the most famous points only. A path to Snežka or Elbe spring is perhaps already known to almost everyone, nevertheless they often do not know anything about the unique objects that they pass during the trip. Therefore, many people view the Institute of the National Park as unnecessary and, similarly, the institution that manages the territory. These ideas, however, stem from ignorance of the uniqueness of the Krkonoše nature. Within the preparation of the project three sub-activities that complement each other and blend together were set up. The outputs of each of them will be used for the successful fulfillment of the overall objective of the project. This is nothing less than to establish a nationwide environmental campaign on biodiversity and ecosystem services that Krkonoše offer. The core element is the marketing campaign on topic of Krkonoše tundra, which will be enhanced by publication in the mass media, on the Internet and on social networking sites. Professional public will use the project results within a two-day conference. Furthermore printed publications and promotional items will be prepared for the general public. The whole project is largely based on the National Park Administration (KRNAP) staff who will be allocated to the implementation of project activities, or who will be employed for the duration of the project. All personal expenses are tied to specific activities within the budget. Especially in specialized activities, the temporary employment of experts from the private sector is expected, which carries an increased payroll expenses. An important pillar of the project is the maximum use of the information potential, which is located in the Krkonoše Museum. This facility is established by the Administration of the National Park (KRNAP) and in its collection of items it holds around 40,000 cultural items, which show the development of Krkonoše, their natural wealth, colonization, resource use as well as development of tourism. By digitization of selected items, which will serve as a background material for publications at the same time, the unique collections will be opened to the general public, as they will be posted on the website. To fulfill the set goal a documentation-digitization workplace incl. the necessary equipment will be established. The selected communication tools are not innovative, however in their scope they are unprecedented in the field of promotion of the Krkonoše National Park. However, experience from previous implemented projects with a similar focus show that the intensity of campaigns is a basic precondition for the efficient and effective transfer of information to the public. The actual promotional activities are supposed to reiterate why there is a National Park and moreover it will serve for environmental education and awareness.
Approved grant |
Approximately 477 979 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |