Measures for stopping the loss of biodiversity at statewide and regional level

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Measures for stopping the loss of biodiversity at statewide and regional level |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic |
Objective of the Project |
The concept of the project addresses the problems connected with biodiversity decline (particularly by taking steps important for stopping the decline, which are embodied in legal regulations and conventions), which is one of the most serious environmental problems of today. The project contains three basic steps contributing to cessation or deceleration of biodiversity decline in the Czech Republic. Implementation and preparation of nationwide rescue programmes constitute a measure addressing the critical situation of the most endangered species. The project includes necessary measures arising from the approved Freshwater Pearl Mussel Rescue Programme (three spheres of measures in total) and preparation of the Great Bustard Rescue Programme; both these species are very endangered not only at the national but also at the European level. Implementation of regional action plans will allow regional support for significant and seriously endangered species which are often ideal candidates for a nationwide rescue programme but for which no rescue programme has been approved. Such species have been selected for those regional action plans that serve as “umbrella species” and their protection will lead to the protection of other species that are endangered throughout Europe, country or region. The project contains a total of 7 such regional strategies including action plans for Ukrainian brook lamprey (Šumperk area), common minnow (Vysočina), erebia sudetica (Jeseníky Protected Landscape Area (CHKO) – location Malý Děd), hipparchia semele + libelloides macaronius (Český kras CHKO –Zlatý kůň National Nature Monument (NPP)), western capercaillie (Beskydy CHKO), tephroseris longifolia (CHKO Bílé Karpaty) and equisetum variegatum (Litovelské Pomoraví CHKO). Drawing up new Red Lists has been a necessity today because the current Red Lists have been outdated, and the Red Lists serve as the most important guide that provides information about the status of biodiversity. Other activities included in the project are the translation and printing of the European Beaver Care Programme in English and German, creation of a new website for Rescue Programmes and the expenses of the Project Management and Publicity. The project will be managed by the internal staff, and a large number of activities will be checked in two tiers (by the project coordinator and by the regional staff of the Nature Conservation Agency (AOPK)). Publicity will be secured through a website of the project in Czech and English, organization of three informative workshops and stickers bearing the logo applied on the purchased equipment. In subsequent years the sustainability of individual activities will be secured in various manners, commonly from the budget of the Landscape Care Programme (PPK); despite their one-time character, many other steps have a long-time benefit. The measures included in the project will considerably contribute to cessation of biodiversity decline in the Czech Republic. |
Approved grant |
Approximately 301 875 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |