Monitoring of carnivore species of Eurpean importance in selected Natura 2000 sites

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Monitoring of carnivore species of Eurpean importance in selected Natura 2000 sites |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Friends of the Earth Czech Republic – Olomouc local group |
Name of Local Partner(s) |
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic |
Objective of the Project |
The main objective of the project is to obtain reliable information about the current distribution and numbers of significant European species of carnivores: wolf, brown bear, lynx and wild cat. The main activities of the project will take place within a structured monitoring: The following analyzes will then be performed at individual workplaces and laboratories: Except for the applicant two research institutions will also participate in solving the project - the University of Ostrava and Faculty of Science of Charles University – and Management of Krkonoše National park. Non-financial partners are Agency for Nature and Landscape Protection and Management of the Czech Switzerland National Park which will cooperate in monitoring of species in the areas of interest. The project will bring, in accordance with proclaimed call new information about the occurrence of species in N2000 areas of interest and will strengthen effective management and monitoring in them. State Nature Protection will thus obtain quality data which are necessary when deciding about protection of these conflicting species and for their possible management. Apart from the monitoring of the species of interest the project has the ambition to positively influence thinking of the public concerned about large carnivores.
Approved grant |
Approximately 261 701 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |