Monitoring of the status of species listed in the EU Nature Directives in Natura 2000 sites

Updated 20-2-2015
- allocation updated
Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Monitoring of the status of species listed in the EU Nature Directives in Natura 2000 sites |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic |
Name of Local Partner(s) |
Czech Society for Ornithology |
Objective of the Project |
Mapping and monitoring of species is a systematic activity focused on finding out the current numbers and prevalence of species. The proposed project focuses on deepening knowledge on the status of species, or communities of species, relevant from the European point of view, in the territories of the Natura 2000 system. The project proposal mainly includes field monitoring and data collection in the territories of Natura 2000, with a focus on all system groups of plants and animals. Any decision with effect on these territories must be based on compulsory knowledge of the prevalence and numbers of protected species. Although the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic has long built and organised collection of data on species and biotopes, for various reasons the status of species within the Natura 2000 system is known neither in detail nor in general. In some cases the cause is lack of data from a particular area or about a particular species, or obsolete data as the only data available. The project therefore aims at specification of the status (on the level of population size estimates) of species and bird species of European relevance in most territories of the Natura 200 system, in the case of selected activities with the goal to find out much more detailed information and data. Due to the time limitation of the project the monitoring involved is not monitoring in the narrow sense of the word but rather singular identification of the current status of selected species in the territories of Natura 2000 using standard repeatable methodologies. The species mapping and monitoring methodology provides accurate data on localities of occurrence of the species in question, about their status, perspectives and effects to which they have been exposed. This knowledge may be used for formulation of management measures for assurance of favourable condition of the subject of protection, including where the subject of protection is not just the habitat but also the species.
Approved grant |
approximately 599 245 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2016 |