Raising Public Awareness of Biodiversity in Artificial Biotopes in the Czech Republic

Region | National coverage |
Title of the Programme | Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services & Environmental Monitoring and Integrated Planning Control & Adaptation to Climate Change |
Title of the Project | Raising Public Awareness of Biodiversity in Artificial Biotopes in the Czech Republic |
Number of the Project | --- |
Project Promoter |
Institute for Environmental Policy |
Name of Local Partner(s) |
Bílé Karpaty Education and Information Centre |
Objective of the Project |
The main objective of the “Enhancement of the public awareness of biodiversity in non-natural biotypes of the Czech Republic” project is to make the citizens and visitors of towns and regions where non-natural biotypes such as mineral mining sites and stockpiles of power industry secondary products, with their biological and ecological values, significance for biodiversity protection and ecological stability of the landscape or historical context via the latest telecommunication technologies using the tagglists and mobile phones. These locations are currently highly valuable nature-friendly ecosystems in the surrounding fully anthropogenized, densely built-up urbanized landscape intensively utilized in terms of agriculture and forestry. They are characterized by high biological diversity of species of macroscopic fungi, wild plants and wild animals, many of which are, as endangered taxons, included in the respective Red Lists of the Czech Republic, or are specially protected organisms as per the Czech National Council Act No. 114/1992 Coll. on nature and landscape conservation, as amended, and as per the Directive of the Ministry of Environment No. 395/1992 Coll., regulating certain provisions of the Czech National Council Act No. 114/1992 Coll. In a lot of cases, the non-natural biotypes also have high cultural and aesthetic value of a landscape dominant, as well as of memory of the mining history of towns and cities. During the project course, biodiversity monitoring will be conducted and nature beetagg trails will be created in 31 non-natural biotypes in 8 regions of the Czech Republic. There will be 310 tagglists posted in the field with location characteristics, information about mineral mining history, about newly created biotypes and ecosystems important for biodiversity protection and ecological stability of the landscape, as well as about the most significant endangered and specially protected species of macroscopic fungi, wild plants and wild animals. Significant enhancement of the general public’s awareness of the issue of biodiversity protection, as well as of the importance of non-natural biotypes and their nature-friendly recultivations for ecological landscape stability will also be supported by the popular educational film that will be made as a part of the project and subsequently applied to and shown at the international film festival called MFF EKOFILM and at the tourism fair called REGIONTOUR 2016. The film will also be broadcasted by the public Czech TV. In course of the film making, there will be 3 short video-spots made, focused on selected beetagg trails. The video-spots will be shown at the tourism fair called REGIONTOUR 2016 and will also be offered to television stations for broadcasting within tourism and travelling focused documentaries. The video-spots will also become an itinerant exhibition about non-natural biotypes that will form another output of the project. This exhibition will be gradually installed at the individual regional authorities, university faculties specialized in science and mineral mining and exploitation, and at ministries, the competences of which are related to the mineral mining (Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and Ministry for Local Development of the Czech Republic). It will also be offered for installation to the ecology education centres and other institutes. Both content and outputs of the submitted project respect the framework determined by the Biological Diversity Convention (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), comply with the priorities and objectives of the Seventh Action Programme for Environment (2014), Our Insurance, Our Natural Capital document: EU strategy in area of biological diversity till 2020 (2012), Strategic Framework of Sustainable Growth of the Czech Republic (2010), National Environmental Policy of the Czech Republic 2012 - 2020 (2013), National Nature and Landscape Conservation in the Czech Republic (2009) and Biological Diversity Protection Strategy of the Czech Republic (2005). The project and its outputs will also contribute to fulfilment of objectives focused on biodiversity protection and public awareness, contained in the nature and landscape conservation concepts of the subject regions, eventually in the ecological policies of towns and cities, within territory of which the respective non-natural biotypes are located.
Approved grant |
Approximately 276 617 EUR |
Project Duration | Start date: 1st December 2014, End date: 30th April 2016 |