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Children and Youth at Risk in the Zlin region

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


RegionZlín Region
Title of the ProgrammeChildren and Youth at Risk
Title of the ProjectChildren and Youth at Risk in the Zlin region
Number of the ProjectEHP-CZ04-OV-1-004-01-2014
Project Promoter

Zlín region

Objective of the Project

The main objective of the project is to draw up comprehensive plans to transform residential care, particularly for children up to the age of 3, into a system which covers an effective and multi-disciplinary network of outpatient and outreach prevention and support services. Transformation plans will be prepared for two children’s home type facilities to house children up to the age of 3 and a children’s home – school facility. The planned reduction in the capacity of services for vulnerable children affected by the transformation will be at least 50%.

The communication strategy will be an on-going activity during the entire period of project implementation and will target the professional public (welfare authorities, staff from children’s homes, etc.) The aim will be to inform this target group of the deinstitutionalisation process and the reasons for which the system of care for vulnerable children is being changed, as well as the purpose and individual stages of the project. The communication strategy will also focus on the staff of facilities involved in drawing up the transformation plans.

The objective will be to ensure that all the key people holding decision-making powers understand the purpose of the project, as well as why the project is being implemented, have a general understanding of the deinstitutionalisation process and agree with it.


Approved grant

7 794 539 CZK

Project DurationStart date: 1st January 2015, End date: 30th April 2017