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List of approved applications - Programme CZ15

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Ranking Title of the project Title of the applicant Approved grant (CZK)
List of approved applications - Programme CZ15
1 Increase in the effectiveness of treatment of young adults 18 to 26 years of age in Kuřim Prison Prison Service of the Czech Republic 11 167 364
2 Construction of a production and educational hall for retraining courses for prisoners before their release in Příbram Prison Prison Service of the Czech Republic 11 167 206
3 Increasing the effectiveness of women prisoners before release from Opava Prison Prison Service of the Czech Republic 11 908 304
4 Increasing the effectiveness of preparation of prisoners before release from Nové Sedlo Prison Prison Service of the Czech Republic 10 637 630
5 The Project for Vulnerable Groups and Education of the Employees of the Prison Service Prison Service of the Czech Republic 12 908 786
6 Implementing video-conferencing in the resort of Justice Ministry of Justice 48 903 693
7 System of Further Education of Employees of the Probation and Mediation Service Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic 8 885 528