Announcement of an open call for submission of Grant applications within programme area 27 for Activity I. - „Psychiatric care” and for Activity II. - „ Healthcare for children”

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Updated 24-7-2014
- attachments updated
- Deadlines for submission of applications + attachments changed and updated; one attachment added
The Ministry of Finance – Programme Operator of Programme CZ 11 in cooperation with The Ministry of Health – Partner of Programme CZ 11 announces on 12th June 2014 the first open call for submission of Grant applications for individual projects within the Programme CZ 11 – „Public Health Initiatives” in programme area 27 for Activity I. – „Psychiatric care” and for Activity II. - „Healthcare for children”.
The Programme area 27 is divided into 2 main activities.
Activity I. - „Psychiatric care” focuses on the effectiveness of treatment process, de-stigmatization and transformation of psychiatric health care.
Activity II. - „Healthcare for children” focuses on improvement of children health through implementation of preventive activities.
Deadline for submission of applications for Activity I. - „Psychiatric care” is on 12th September 2014 at 16:00, for Activity II. - „Healthcare for children” on 29th August 2014 at 16.00.
A question regarding a content of the applications is possible to send by email to since the day of the announcement of the call. Technical queries regarding the information system for submission of applications send by email to
Text of the open call, guidelines for applicants, standardized annexes and additional information on statistical data in IS CEDR are available on this web page.
Guidelines of the National Focal Point on Eligible Expenditures – EEA and Norway Grants 2009-2014 and Guidelines of the National Focal Point on Public Procurement of Small Scale – EEA and Norway Grants are available in section Rules and guidelines.