Open call for applications under the Small Grant Scheme within the Programme area 27 for Activity I. - „Psychiatric care” and for Activity II. - „ Healthcare for children”

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Updated 26-11-2014
- Guidelines updated, deadline extended
The Ministry of Health as Small Grant Scheme (SGS) Operator within the Programme CZ 11 announces on 15th October 2014 open call for applications under the SGS in the Programme area 27 for Activity I. - „Psychiatric care” and for Activity II. – „Healthcare for children”.
The Programme area 27 is divided into 2 main activities.
SGS for Activity I aims at supporting activities of non-governmental organizations dedicated to the de-institutionalisation of care of mentally ill patients (improvement of alternative forms of psychiatric care, including community-based care and support to the patients and their families) and to the de-stigmatization of the mentally ill and of mental health issues in general.
SGS for Activity II aims at supporting prevention activities of non-governmental organizations, primarily patients organisations dealing with A. primary and secondary prevention of child injuries, B. prevention of side effects of health problems and illnesses in early childhood, and C. helping patients with rare diseases.
Deadline for submission of applications for both Activities has been extended until 30th December 2014 to 16:00.
A question regarding a content of the applications is possible to send by email to since the day of the announcement of the call. Technical queries regarding the information system for submission of applications send by email to
Text of the open call, guidelines for applicants and standardized annexes are available on this web page.
Guidelines of the National Focal Point on Eligible Expenditures – EEA are available in section Rules and guidelines - Guidelines.