2nd EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 Annual Meeting

Updated 21-1-2020
- Minutes from the AM added
The 2nd EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 Annual Meeting took place on 20 November 2019, this time in south Moravia, in Mikulov. The Annual Meeting was attended by the representatives from the donor states (Norway, Liechtenstein, Iceland), among others by Mr Sjur Larsen from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, H.E. Robert Kvile, Ambassador of Norway in Prague, H.E. Thórir Ibsen, Ambassador of Iceland to the Czech Republic, Ms Helen Lorez from the Diplomatic Representation of Liechtenstein in Brussels as well as by representatives of the Financial Mechanisms Office. On the Czech side the meeting was chaired by Ms Zuzana Matyášová, the Director of International Relations Department and the Head of the National Focal Point and attended by representatives of the National Focal Point, the Certifying Authority, the Audit Authority and last but not least the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
At the meeting were discussed issues related in particular to the actual status of particular programmes and related risks, setting up of the management and control systems of programmes, the bilateral cooperation between the Czech Republic and the donor states, publicity, monitoring etc. The EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 Strategic Report for 2019 was approved during the Annual Meeting.
The Minutes from the 2nd Annual Meeting including annexes are published below.