Role of NFP

Updated 16-8-2019
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Ministry of Finance represents the National Focal Point – (NCP) for all Programmes of the EEA and Norway Grants 2009- 2014 in accordance with Government Resolution No. 242 of the 17th March 2004.
Ministry of Finance as the National Contact Point (NCP) is responsible for the overall management activities of the EEA / Norway Grants in the Czech Republic in accordance with the Memoranda of Understanding and Rules and Procedures.
Main responsibilities of the National Focal Point (NFP)
the NFP shall have the overall responsibility for ensuring that programmes contribute to the objectives of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021;
the NFP shall serve as a contact point and be responsible and accountable for the implementation of the Memoranda of Understanding;
the NFP represents the Czech Republic in its relations with the donors regarding the implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021;
the NFP shall ensure that the programmes are implemented in accordance with the legal framework of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 and monitor the progress and quality of their implementation;
the National Focal Point shall carry out regular monitoring of the programmes with regards to their progress towards the programme outputs, outcome(s) and objective(s) according to agreed indicators and financial requirements;
the NFP provides the general public with information about the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021;
the NFP shall ensure that the Programme Operators fulfil their information and communication obligations;
the NFP shall submit to the donors an annual strategic report on its implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021;
Annexes A and B of the Memoranda of Understanding may be amended through an exchange of letters between the donors and the NFP;
the NFP shall have the responsibility for reaching the overall objective of strengthening bilateral relations between the donor states and the Czech Republic;
the NFP cooperates on the preparation of the concept note for each programme and submits the concept note to the donors;
for each approved programme a programme agreement shall be concluded between the donors and the NFP;
the NFP shall ensure that any public support under the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 complies with the procedural and substantive state aid rules applicable at the time when the public support is granted;
the NFP cooperates on the audits and on-the-spot verifications arranged by the donors;
the NFP shall establish a complaint mechanism that shall be capable of effectively processing and deciding on complaints about suspected non-compliance with the principles of good governance in relation to the implementation of the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021.
The Ministry of Finance represents the Programme Operator of all the EEA and Norway Grants (Programmes).