First Open Call for proposals for bilateral initiatives under the Bilateral Ambitions of the Health Programme funded from the Fund for Bilateral Relations

Updated 26-7-2019 9:00 AM
- updated text
- exchange of annex B
The Ministry of Finance, the Programme Operator of the Health Programme, announces on 24 April 2019 the first Open Call for proposals for bilateral initiatives under the Bilateral Ambitions of the Health Programme funded from the Fund for Bilateral Relations within the framework of EEA Grants 2014-2021.
The objective of this Open Call is to support:
- search for partners for donor partnership projects prior to or during the preparation of a project application;
- development of bilateral partnership and joint preparation of an application for a donor partnership project.
The Programme is focusing on following areas of support:
- Prevention of mental illness in children;
- Prevention of non-communicable and communicable diseases with a special focus on reduction of social inequalities in health and improved access to health for vulnerable groups from socially excluded localities as well as antimicrobial resistance;
- Patient empowerment and strengthening the role of patient organizations.
The total budget earmarked for this Call is 1 805 020 CZK (70 000 EUR).
Applications may be submitted continuously from the date of the announcement of the Open Call until 30 September 2019 or until the total allocation is used.
Supported initiatives must finish their implementation by 30 November 2019 at the latest.
The complete open call text as well as the Guidelines for applicants and final beneficiaries can be downloaded on this webpage.
- Open Call 1 - Bilateral Ambitions - HealthPDF (124kB)
- A_Prohlášení o společném záměruDOCX (31kB)
- B_Detailed budget (.XLSX, 38 kB)
- C_Stručné shrnutí iniciativy v anglickém jazyceDOCX (43kB)
- D_Bankovní identifikaceDOC (239kB)
- Informace o zpracování osobních údajůPDF (65kB)
- Příloha 1_Formulář žádosti o grant_BA_ZdraviDOCX (147kB)
- Příloha 2_Formal and eligibility requirements_Check-listXLSX (28kB)
- Příloha 2_Kontrolní list_formalní_náležitost_oprávněnostXLSX (28kB)
- Příloha 3_Pokyn pro žadatele a příjemce_Bilateralní ambicePDF (544kB)
- Přílohy Pokynu pro žadatele a příjemce_Bilaterální ambiceRAR (4191kB)
- Příloha 3_Bilateral Ambitions Guideline_working translationPDF (523kB)
- Přílohy 3_Bilateral Ambitions Guideline_working translationRAR (1174kB)