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Childern at home - with their parents or with foster carers

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


RegionPardubice Region
Title of the ProgrammeNGO Programme
Title of the ProjectChildern at home - with their parents or with foster carers
Number of the Project3640023
Project Promoter

Amalthea o.s.

Name of Norwegian Partner(s)

Lumos Foundation

Objective of the Project

The project "Childern at home - with their parents or foster carers" is focused on complex support to childern, whose relationships with their parents have been broken and the development of the child is at risk; or whose relationships with their parents have been torn apart to the extent that children have to grow up in a foster family. At the same time the cooperation with the parents/foster carers is crucial for the improvement of the situation of child - for relationships with those who are close to him/her, for his/her stability and safety.

Approved grant

73 750 EUR

Project DurationStart date: 1st August 2014, End date: 30th April 2016