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Children Live Outside. Increased Wellbeing and Env. Responsibility Via Play and Learning in Nature

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Title of the ProgrammeNGO Programme
Title of the ProjectChildren Live Outside. Increased Wellbeing and Env. Responsibility Via Play and Learning in Nature
Number of the Project76-FN-022
Project Promoter

Sdružení Tereza, o.s.

Name of Norwegian Partner(s)

Skogkurs (Forestry Extension Institute)

Objective of the Project

The importance of outdoor time in nature for increased wellbeing of children and the development of their environmental responsibility have been proven by numerous research. But today, in many countries including ours we witness profound change of children‘s lifestyles: they spent many hours of screentime every day opposed to just few minutes outdoors. Our goal is to take action against this trend. We will provide parents, primary school teachers and other educators with information, skills, prepared educational activities to enable them to learn and play with children directly in nature.

Approved grant

68 919 EUR

Project DurationStart date: 1st August 2014, End date: 30th April 2016