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List of approved applications - Programme CZ04

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Updated 25-8-2015
  • correction of approved grant

Ranking Title of the project Title of the applicant Approved grant(CZK)
List of approved applications - Programme CZ04
1 Child in the Center of Interest SPONDEA, o.p.s. 2 483 061
2 I have an ADHD and I know what I can do Centrum pro rodinu a sociální péči 2 159 908,20
3 With children about children Ratolest Brno 1 712 051
4 Joining children of the South Bohemian Region in Decision-Making Processes of Family Issues Krizové centrum pro děti a rodinu v Jihočeském kraji 3 161 168
5 Playing with stories – a new method for the child´s involvement in decision-making processes NVF, o.p.s.. 3 161 168
6 Family Circles in the Vysočina region Tremedias, z.s. 2 580 179,70
7 Safety Network - transit care as a systematic tool for involving children into decision-making processes Šafrán dětem, o.p.s. 3 276 432
8 The Voice of a Child in a Foster Care and How to listen to it Kruh rodiny o.p.s. 6 849 417
9 Children´s Voices – and what shall we do about it? DOMUS – centrum pro rodinu, z.s. 4 475 949,25
10 Voices of Threatened Children Ašta šmé, o.s. 2 045 880
11 Edifying campaign aimed at Children´s Right Promotion for Children in Foster Care Kruh rodiny, o.p.s. 2 265 242
12 Children and Youth at Risk in the Zlin region Zlín region 7 794 539
13 Transformation of care for vulnerable children and youth Pardubice region 10 874 645
14 Codification of legislation on supporting families, foster care and care of vulnerable children Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs 27 721 198
 APPROVED IN TOTAL 80 560 838,15