Eight Programme Agreements of EEA and Norway Grants has been signed on 31st October 2013

The 2nd Annual meeting within the EEA and Norway Grants 2009 – 2014 was held on 31st October 2013 with the participation of the Norwegian Ambassador Jens Eikaas, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance Eva Anderová, Director of the Financial Mechanism Office in Brussels Stine Andresen and Chairman of the Financial Mechanism Committee under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anders Erdal. Eight of Programme Agreements of the fifteen Programmes within the EEA and Norway Grants 2009 – 2014 were signed during the meeting.
General information of the signed Programmes:
Signing Programme Agreement is an important step in the implementation of Programmes and also significantly helps to arrange the open calls for the Programmes CZ04, CZ06 and CZ11.
For more information on the Programmes, please, follow the web pages: www.norwaygrants.cz or www.eeagrants.cz .