1 |
Escape from the Maze of Violence |
Persefona z. s. |
6 680 000 |
2 |
Opportunity for mothers living in hostels |
Ratolest Brno |
1 113 507 |
3 |
Improvement of praxis in preventon, identification and elimination of domestic violence by professional specialisation |
Association of Workers of Intervention Centers |
6 440 662 |
4 |
For Fair Play |
Lagardere Active ČR, a.s. |
6 200 000 |
5 |
Three Pillars of Safety |
ACORUS, o.s. |
6 417 730 |
6 |
Homelike: together against violence |
Jako doma - Homelike |
6 991 527 |
7 |
Stop gender based cyberviolence |
Gender Studies |
6 237 759 |
8 |
AdvoCats for Women - Law against Violence on Women |
proFem |
2 586 000 |
9 |
Save home |
Thomayer Hospital |
395 145 |
10 |
Equilibrium between Women and Men |
Forum 50 % |
8 850 348 |
11 |
Women at the Sidelines (?) |
Association for Integration and Migration |
7 084 206 |
12 |
Your chance |
Diocesan Charity Brno |
715 916 |
13 |
Technology and ICT – Cherchez la femme ! Support of Reduction of Gender Segregation in Technical Education in Pilsen Region |
Akademie HK PK |
6 394 986 |
14 |
Systemic change in discriminatory displaying men and women in advertising |
2 108 000 |
15 |
Reduction of risk of trafficking of homeless women |
La Strada Czech Republic |
708 200 |
16 |
Not with You! Or Prevention of Violence on Women in Sex Business |
2 362 786 |
17 |
Equality 2.0 - the Roma girls and boys in Czech schools |
Open Society |
1 024 147 |
18 |
Equal Opportunities for every day life |
European Contact Group |
1 399 201 |
19 |
Helpline for victims of (domestic) violence |
Bílý kruh bezpečí |
11 454 894 |
20 |
Prevention of homophobia and bullying of young LGBT people |
Prague Pride |
1 683 000 |
21 |
Work and children under one roof |
Portus Prachatice |
1 413 692 |
22 |
Help for seniors abused and neglected |
ŽIVOT 90 |
970 659 |
23 |
Optimalization of the interdisciplinary cooperation in field of protection of the victims of human trafficking and prevention |
La Strada Czech Republic |
911 500 |
24 |
Violence (non)public issue |
7 192 900 |
25 |
Men against Violence towards Women and Children |
League of Open Men |
1 380 000 |
26 |
Labyrint Brno |
703 188 |
27 |
Competences in a cube |
Kostka Krásná Lípa |
1 417 199 |
28 |
Let´s find together a new way! |
Gender Information Centre NORA |
889 704 |
29 |
Defending women's rights in the Czech Republic |
Czech Women´s Lobby |
7 214 564 |
30 |
Gender in Innovation - Innovation in Clusters |
National Cluster Association |
985 420 |
31 |
Diversity 2013+ - Getting women on board |
Business for Society, Responsible Women Forum |
6 825 014 |
32 |
Lifetime Economic Impacts of Maternity |
Gender Studies, o.p.s. |
7 472 884 |
33 |
Drug addiction - bullies and victims |
6 390 066 |
34 |
Women behind the Counter. Transformations of Work and Working Conditions of Domestic and Foreign Retail Workers |
Multikulturní centrum Praha |
819 000 |
35 |
Equal opportunities of migrant women |
Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, z.s. |
1 574 119 |
36 |
Incorruptible Women? Gender Dimensions of Corruption |
Transparency International - Česká republika, o.p.s. |
615 800 |
37 |
Children's center Little Path, the extension of services |
Cesta domů, z. ú. |
230 000 |
38 |
Equal opportunities and participation of women in the issue of rural development |
Civipolis, o.p.s. |
378 806 |
39 |
Stop domestic violence |
Respondeo, o. s. |
915 972 |
40 |
Social work and therapeutic programs for violent persons |
THEIA - krizové centrum o.p.s. |
630 000 |
41 |
VRBA Vimperk - Crisis and counseling center for endangered by domestic violence |
Oblastní spolek ČČK Prachatice |
1 000 000 |
42 |
The Face of Love |
Arcidiecézní charita Praha |
1 345 000 |
43 |
Spectrum of womens´developement |
Spiralis |
251 799 |
44 |
Audiovisual production supporting the gender equality not only in schools |
Centrum Kašpar, o.s. |
971 500 |
45 |
Small People in the Land of OZ |
Nadace Partnerství (v mezinárodním styku "Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation - CEPF) |
433 946 |
46 |
Nursery Emcéčko |
Komunitní a vzdělávací centrum Emcéčko |
175 935 |
47 |
Mind the Gap! |
Genderové informační centrum NORA, o.p.s. |
1 660 582 |
48 |
Takingcare of children in RC MUM Organization |
RC MUM z.s. |
259 560 |
49 |
Through improvement of anti-discriminatory and social legislation towards benefits for vulnerable women |
Alternativa 50+, o.p.s. |
1 311 465 |
50 |
SLOVO 21, z.s. |
882 248 |
51 |
Stop violence for health |
ROSA - centrum pro týrané a osamělé ženy |
1 915 001 |
52 |
Together we can fight against violence against women in sex industry |
2 365 452 |
53 |
The economic impact of domestic violence in the health sector |
proFem, konzultační středisko pro ženské projekty |
2 698 000 |
54 |
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci |
322 647 |
55 |
I will not be a victim! |
760 188 |
152 131 824 |