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List of approved applications - Programme CZ12

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Updated 13-7-2016
  • 2nd call

Ranking Title of the project Title of the applicant Approved grant (CZK)
List of approved Applications - Programme CZ12
1 Escape from the Maze of Violence Persefona z. s. 6 680 000
2 Opportunity for mothers living in hostels Ratolest Brno 1 113 507
3 Improvement of praxis in preventon, identification and elimination of domestic violence by professional specialisation Association of Workers of Intervention Centers 6 440 662
4 For Fair Play Lagardere Active ČR, a.s. 6 200 000
5 Three Pillars of Safety ACORUS, o.s. 6 417 730
6 Homelike: together against violence Jako doma - Homelike 6 991 527
7 Stop gender based cyberviolence Gender Studies 6 237 759
8 AdvoCats for Women - Law against Violence on Women proFem 2 586 000
9 Save home Thomayer Hospital 395 145
10 Equilibrium between Women and Men Forum 50 % 8 850 348
11 Women at the Sidelines (?) Association for Integration and Migration 7 084 206
12 Your chance Diocesan Charity Brno 715 916
13 Technology and ICT – Cherchez la femme ! Support of Reduction of Gender Segregation in Technical Education in Pilsen Region Akademie HK PK 6 394 986
14 Systemic change in discriminatory displaying men and women in advertising NESEHNUTÍ Brno 2 108 000
15 Reduction of risk of trafficking of homeless women La Strada Czech Republic 708 200
16 Not with You! Or Prevention of Violence on Women in Sex Business ROZKOŠ bez RIZIKA 2 362 786
17 Equality 2.0 - the Roma girls and boys in Czech schools Open Society 1 024 147
18 Equal Opportunities for every day life European Contact Group 1 399 201
19 Helpline for victims of (domestic) violence Bílý kruh bezpečí 11 454 894
20 Prevention of homophobia and bullying of young LGBT people Prague Pride 1 683 000
21 Work and children under one roof Portus Prachatice 1 413 692
22 Help for seniors abused and neglected ŽIVOT 90 970 659
23 Optimalization of the interdisciplinary cooperation in field of protection of the victims of human trafficking and prevention La Strada Czech Republic 911 500
24 Violence (non)public issue SPONDEA 7 192 900
25 Men against Violence towards Women and Children League of Open Men 1 380 000
26 LIV Labyrint Brno 703 188
27 Competences in a cube Kostka Krásná Lípa 1 417 199
28 Let´s find together a new way! Gender Information Centre NORA 889 704
29 Defending women's rights in the Czech Republic Czech Women´s Lobby 7 214 564
30 Gender in Innovation - Innovation in Clusters National Cluster Association 985 420
31 Diversity 2013+ - Getting women on board Business for Society, Responsible Women Forum 6 825 014
32 Lifetime Economic Impacts of Maternity Gender Studies, o.p.s. 7 472 884
33  Drug addiction - bullies and victims   SANANIM 6 390 066 
34  Women behind the Counter. Transformations of Work and Working Conditions of Domestic and Foreign Retail Workers   Multikulturní centrum Praha 819 000 
35   Equal opportunities of migrant women  Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, z.s. 1 574 119  
36  Incorruptible Women? Gender Dimensions of Corruption   Transparency International - Česká republika, o.p.s.  615 800
37  Children's center Little Path, the extension of services  Cesta domů, z. ú.    230 000
38  Equal opportunities and participation of women in the issue of rural development   Civipolis, o.p.s. 378 806 
39  Stop domestic violence  Respondeo, o. s.   915 972 
40   Social work and therapeutic programs for violent persons THEIA - krizové centrum o.p.s.   630 000 
41  VRBA Vimperk - Crisis and counseling center for endangered by domestic violence  Oblastní spolek ČČK Prachatice    1 000 000
42  The Face of Love   Arcidiecézní charita Praha 1 345 000 
43   Spectrum of womens´developement Spiralis  251 799  
44   Audiovisual production supporting the gender equality not only in schools  Centrum Kašpar, o.s.  971 500
45   Small People in the Land of OZ Nadace Partnerství (v mezinárodním styku "Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation - CEPF)   433 946
46  Nursery Emcéčko  Komunitní a vzdělávací centrum Emcéčko  175 935
47   Mind the Gap!  Genderové informační centrum NORA, o.p.s.  1 660 582
48   Takingcare of children in RC MUM Organization  RC MUM z.s.  259 560
49  Through improvement of anti-discriminatory and social legislation towards benefits for vulnerable women  Alternativa 50+, o.p.s.   1 311 465
50   JILEHA  SLOVO 21, z.s.  882 248
51   Stop violence for health  ROSA - centrum pro týrané a osamělé ženy 1 915 001 
52  Together we can fight against violence against women in sex industry  ROZKOŠ bez RIZIKA 2 365 452  
53  The economic impact of domestic violence in the health sector  proFem, konzultační středisko pro ženské projekty    2 698 000
54   ANNA Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci   322 647
55 I will not be a victim! SDRUŽENÍ PRO INTEGRACI A MIGRACI 760 188