1 |
Czech-Norwegian Cooperation in informing young people about climate change |
Středisko ekologické výchovy SEVER Horní Maršov, o.p.s. |
119 000 |
2 |
Visitor centers of environmental protected areas |
Ekocentrum PALETA |
277 880 |
3 |
Children belong into family |
Vzájemné soužití o.p.s. |
1 695 475 |
4 |
Deal with poverty |
Naši politici o.s. |
1 015 623 |
5 |
PACT, PAarticipation - Communication - Transparency |
Agora CE o.p.s. |
2 000 000 |
6 |
Development of consulting and monitoring of Open Society Association |
Otevřená společnost, o.p.s. |
1 471 143 |
7 |
Collectively and effectively against to regional corruption |
Čmelák - Společnost přátel přírody |
1 420 505 |
8 |
Citizens Aloud |
Arnika - Toxické látky a odpady |
1 100 000 |
9 |
Establishing partnerships with Romani NGOs in Norway |
ROMEA, o.p.s. |
70 000 |
10 |
Preliminary meeting between Konexe and Antirasistik Senter 2 |
22 456 |
11 |
Legal counselling for disadvantaged groups |
APERIO - Společnost pro zdravé rodičovství |
59 108 |
12 |
Volunteer Czech-Liechtenstein experience |
Hnutí Brontosaurus Jeseníky |
70 000 |
13 |
Searching environmental partners in Norway |
Hnutí Brontosaurus Jeseníky |
70 000 |
14 |
Cooperation and exchange of experience in the maintenance of natural heritage by NGOs |
Český svaz ochránců přírody |
41 490 |
15 |
We want to start cooperation |
Oblastní charita Kutná Hora |
52 987 |
16 |
Establishing of Cooperation in Climate and Energy Education |
Středisko ekologické výchovy a etiky Rýchory - SEVER, Brontosaurus Krkonoše |
68 000 |
17 |
Partnerships and inspiration - increase in the number of inclusive schools |
Liga lidských práv |
69 900 |
18 |
Cooperation against discrimination of women with intellectual disability |
Společnost pro podporu lidí s mentálním postižením v České republice, o. s. |
52 392 |
19 |
Professional supporter |
SKOK do života, o.p.s. |
1 188 353 |
20 |
New view |
Rodiče a děti Kadaně, občanské sdružení |
70 000 |
21 |
Development of project TODAY AT THE BORDERS´ |
SeeMedia o.s. |
46 600 |
22 |
Supporting sustainable development through community cooperation |
Auto*Mat, o.s |
926 606 |
23 |
Step by step towards a sustainable household |
Rosa - společnost pro ekologické informace a aktivity, o.p.s. |
1 769 555 |
24 |
I do not want to pay for climate change: from ideas to action |
Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic |
1 973 087 |
25 |
Education for Sustainable Development in Preschool Level |
Asociace lesních mateřských škol |
1 503 717 |
26 |
Poradme.se - comunity-specific distance environmental counseling |
Agentura Koniklec, o. p. s. |
1 184 035 |
27 |
Restoration of long-term unmanaged biologically valuable wetland habitats and heathlands |
Beleco, z.s. |
1 376 691 |
28 |
Let's live healthily - it goes easily! |
Centrum pasivního domu |
1 295 839 |
29 |
Implementation of the farm management planning in the Czech Republic |
Juniperia, z.s. |
1 798 000 |
30 |
Resilience or Let’s Turn the Thread Into an Opportunity |
ZO ČSOP Veronica |
1 791 401 |
31 |
Let ́s join our forces and return richness to nature of Brno |
Rezekvítek, z. s. |
1 675 395 |
32 |
Awareness raising on climate change adaptation measures in the Czech towns using the Norwegian exp |
CI2 o. p. s. |
1 105 838 |
33 |
Improving legal protection of environment in the Czech Republic |
Zelený kruh |
1 758 816 |
34 |
The land trust of Podblanicko region – development of activities and care of valuable areas throug |
ZO ČSOP Vlašim |
1 687 597 |
35 |
Natura park |
Ekocentrum PALETA |
2 000 000 |
36 |
Revival of heritage fruit varietes |
Český svaz ochránců přírody |
1 413 285 |
37 |
Children Live Outside. Increased Wellbeing and Env. Responsibility Via Play and Learning in Nature |
Sdružení Tereza, o.s. |
1 709 199 |
38 |
Citizens For Vysočina Nature |
Sdružení Krajina |
1 994 994 |
39 |
Implementation of good agricultural practices on case of the protection Montagu’s Harrier |
Tyto |
1 358 764 |
40 |
Preparation of a join project with a participation from Norway |
STŘED,o.s. |
63 000 |
41 |
Preparation of a join project with a participation from Norway |
Glopolis, o.p.s. |
42 |
Norway-Czech ideas exchange for climate action |
Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic |
147 200 |
43 |
Study tour to Norway - Adaptation to Climate Change |
CI2 o. p. s. |
200 075 |
44 |
Increasing environmental advocacy know-how transfer between Norway and the Czech Republic |
Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic |
170 920 |
45 |
Bridges to Island |
InBáze |
203 964 |
46 |
Short-term internship employees from AI CR to Amnesty Norway - skillshare |
Amnesty International Česká republika, o.s. |
126 555 |
47 |
PAKT I - Anticorruption Academic Club of Transparency I |
Transparency International Česká republika |
156 046 |
48 |
From Streets to School Desks |
Romodrom o.p.s. |
1 846 138 |
49 |
Fair School - Equal Chances for all Children |
Liga lidských práv |
1 337 432 |
50 |
The Alternative- Helping Hands |
EUROTOPIA Opava o.p.s. |
1 858 665 |
51 |
Gendalos - step toward successful studying |
IQ Roma servis |
1 736 753 |
52 |
We grow together |
Rodiče a děti Kadaně, občanské sdružení |
1 608 748 |
53 |
The education- the ground of life! |
Vzájemné soužití o.p.s. |
1 327 868 |
54 |
Together we can do it |
Diakonie ČCE - středisko Milíčův dům |
599 687 |
55 |
Two Heads Are Better Than One, 13 - 18 Years of Age |
Lata - Programy pro ohroženou mládež |
1 049 793 |
56 |
Find the way out |
Liga lidských práv |
1 315 971 |
57 |
Parents of Young Patients with Schizophrenia as Regional Coordinators of The Parent Program |
Česká asociace pro psychické zdraví |
955 166 |
58 |
Active detection of endangered children and cooperation of organizations in district Kladno |
Obecně prospěšná společnost Sirius, o.p.s. |
1 975 290 |
59 |
The family is one of the inevitable conditions of happiness |
Slezská diakonie |
1 877 535 |
60 |
Comprehensive rehabilitation center for families with children under 18 years of D.R.A.K. |
Občanské sdružení D.R.A.K. |
61 |
Right for family - coordinated cooperation with families and institutions |
IQ Roma servis |
1 856 322 |
62 |
Childern at home - with their parents or with foster carers |
Amalthea o.s. |
1 829 000 |
63 |
PONTON - Club (Complex Support for Children and Adolescents Growing up in Foster Care) |
Středisko náhradní rodinné péče |
1 566 575 |
64 |
Good start |
Středisko rané péče SPRP České Budějovice |
450 000 |
65 |
Chance for children at risk in the Highlands |
STŘED,o.s. |
2 000 000 |
66 |
By social entrepreneurship towards professionalism and transparency of NGOs |
P3 - People, Planet, Profit, o.p.s. |
1 948 447 |
67 |
TranTTIP vs. Democracy – involvement of the public in pro-transparency and pro-democracy initiatives |
Iuridicum Remedium, o. s. |
1 500 000 |
68 |
Reconstruction of the State: creating civil society partnerships for advocacy of anti-corruption law |
Frank Bold Society |
1 989 249 |
69 |
Improving the public image of environmental NGOs in the Czech Republic |
Zelený kruh |
1 499 645 |
70 |
Development of Civic Engagement |
71 |
Strengthening democratic decision making concerning Sumava National Park |
Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic |
1 657 350 |
72 |
Monitoring and promotion of good governance in investment activities of the Ministry of Transport |
Dopravní federace nevládních neziskových organizací o.s. |
1 999 999 |
73 |
Plzeň - City of (Political) Culture: Support of Participatory Democracy on Local Level |
Centrum pro komunitní práci západní Čechy |
1 763 591 |
74 |
Launching an avalanche of volunteering |
RATOLEST BRNO, občanské sdružení |
1 578 237 |
75 |
Eco-counselling: Networking, Education, Methodics |
Síť ekologických poraden |
1 079 008 |
76 |
Community to community |
Občanské sdružení Krok |
907 144 |
77 |
Hlasnatrouba.cz: abuse of municipal public media and public campaigns in municipal level in CR |
Oživení, o.s. |
1 998 326 |
78 |
Pisek world - open for citizens |
Občanské sdružení Písecký svět |
1 199 999 |
79 |
For stronger voice of residents of the Highlands in searching of a high-level radioactive waste repo |
Calla - Sdružení pro záchranu prostředí |
939 810 |
80 |
Using Dialogue to Start up an Active Senior´s Citizenship |
Asociace center pro rodinu |
1 402 521 |
81 |
Anticorruption Academic Club of Transparency |
Transparency International Česká republika |
1 776 037 |
82 |
Transparency and Popularization of Municipal Politics in Prague 3 |
Občanské sdružení Kauza3.cz |
983 992 |
83 |
Help and Support for Victims of Gender-based Violence |
proFem - konzultační středisko pro ženské projekty, o.p.s. |
1 997 679 |
84 |
Comprehensive Aid to Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Their Loved Ones |
Persefona o. s. |
1 799 994 |
85 |
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Promotion of Women’s Career Growth |
Gender studies, o.p.s. |
1 754 850 |
86 |
Together for Women: Let's Talk about It |
Jako doma - Homelike |
1 662 477 |
87 |
Politics for Women, Women for Politics |
Fórum 50 %, o.p.s. |
1 757 276 |
88 |
Stop Violence in Relationships |
Diakonie ČCE - Středisko křesťanské pomoci v Praze |
1 987 498 |
89 |
Warriors against Violence on Women |
Pomoc v nouzi, o.p.s. |
1 192 410 |
90 |
Through Women´s Eyes |
Centrum komunitní práce Ústí nad Labem |
1 214 102 |
91 |
Equal Opportunities For Women and Men: Awareness-raising Activities across the Regions of the Czech Republic |
Český svaz žen o.s. |
1 374 848 |
92 |
Magdala |
Diecézní charita Brno |
1 625 000 |
93 |
Assert wheelchair users with spinal cord injury rights |
Česká asociace paraplegiků - CZEPA |
1 192 629 |
94 |
Education to Respect and Toleration according to the Principles of the Open Society |
Institut Terezínské iniciativy |
1 606 409 |
95 |
Gay rights are human rights |
Prague Pride |
1 629 418 |
96 |
Limits of freedom |
Asi-milovaní |
1 883 098 |
97 |
Crossing borders |
Sdružení pro integraci a migraci |
1 045 589 |
98 |
Good bye hate - Good bye prejudices |
Nezávislé sociálně ekologické hnutí - Nesehnutí |
1 110 523 |
99 |
GET INVOLVED! Programmes for Participation of Migrants and the Czech Majority |
Centrum pro integraci cizinců |
1 985 000 |
100 |
We want to work |
Poradna pro občanství/Občanská a lidská práva |
1 867 761 |
101 |
Let´s not punish twice |
RUBIKON Centrum |
1 988 219 |
102 |
Streghtening the rights of working migrants |
Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům |
1 290 153 |
103 |
Human Libraries against intolerance and discrimination |
Amnesty International Česká republika, o.s. |
1 298 869 |
104 |
Evaluation of the Law of the Victims of the Criminal Actions and suggestions for partial measures |
La Strada Česká republika, o.p.s. |
569 004 |
105 |
Justice without diference |
In IUSTITIA, o.p.s. |
1 926 728 |
106 |
Together against racism |
Multikulturní centrum Praha |
1 977 637 |
107 |
Raising Public Awareness about End-of-Life Rights and Care Alternatives |
Hospicové občanské sdružení Cesta domů |
1 708 317 |
108 |
Don´t be afraid to employ us! |
Vrátka, o.s. |
1 192 616 |
109 |
Bridges - foreigners and Czechs together create their story |
InBáze |
1 521 175 |
110 |
Do we really know each other? |
Charita Olomouc |
763 000 |
111 |
Hate does not belong on the internet |
Sdružení D |
1 502 717 |
112 |
Decrease of discirmination and racism by correction of the media image of Roma |
ROMEA, o.p.s. |
2 000 000 |
113 |
Together for the rights and safety |
Vzájemné soužití o.p.s. |
814 000 |
114 |
The formation and evolution of the multicultural center in Prostějov |
Žebřík, o.s. |
1 930 061 |
129 522 166 |