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List of approved applications - Programme CZ03

Department 58 – International Relations
Department 58 – International Relations


Ranking Title of the project Title of the applicant Approved grant (CZK)
List of approved applications - Programme CZ 03
1 Czech-Norwegian Cooperation in informing young people about climate change Středisko ekologické výchovy SEVER Horní Maršov, o.p.s. 119 000
2 Visitor centers of environmental protected areas Ekocentrum PALETA 277 880
3 Children belong into family Vzájemné soužití o.p.s. 1 695 475
4 Deal with poverty Naši politici o.s. 1 015 623
5 PACT, PAarticipation - Communication - Transparency Agora CE o.p.s. 2 000 000
6 Development of consulting and monitoring of Open Society Association Otevřená společnost, o.p.s. 1 471 143
7 Collectively and effectively against to regional corruption Čmelák - Společnost přátel přírody 1 420 505
8 Citizens Aloud Arnika - Toxické látky a odpady 1 100 000
9 Establishing partnerships with Romani NGOs in Norway ROMEA, o.p.s. 70 000
10 Preliminary meeting between Konexe and Antirasistik Senter 2 KONEXE 22 456
11 Legal counselling for disadvantaged groups APERIO - Společnost pro zdravé rodičovství 59 108
12 Volunteer Czech-Liechtenstein experience Hnutí Brontosaurus Jeseníky 70 000
13 Searching environmental partners in Norway Hnutí Brontosaurus Jeseníky 70 000
14 Cooperation and exchange of experience in the maintenance of natural heritage by NGOs Český svaz ochránců přírody 41 490
15 We want to start cooperation Oblastní charita Kutná Hora 52 987
16 Establishing of Cooperation in Climate and Energy Education Středisko ekologické výchovy a etiky Rýchory - SEVER, Brontosaurus Krkonoše 68 000
17 Partnerships and inspiration - increase in the number of inclusive schools Liga lidských práv 69 900
18 Cooperation against discrimination of women with intellectual disability Společnost pro podporu lidí s mentálním postižením v České republice, o. s. 52 392
19 Professional supporter SKOK do života, o.p.s. 1 188 353
20 New view Rodiče a děti Kadaně, občanské sdružení 70 000
21 Development of project TODAY AT THE BORDERS´ SeeMedia o.s. 46 600
22 Supporting sustainable development through community cooperation Auto*Mat, o.s 926 606
23 Step by step towards a sustainable household Rosa - společnost pro ekologické informace a aktivity, o.p.s. 1 769 555
24 I do not want to pay for climate change: from ideas to action Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic 1 973 087
25 Education for Sustainable Development in Preschool Level Asociace lesních mateřských škol 1 503 717
26 - comunity-specific distance environmental counseling Agentura Koniklec, o. p. s. 1 184 035
27 Restoration of long-term unmanaged biologically valuable wetland habitats and heathlands Beleco, z.s. 1 376 691
28 Let's live healthily - it goes easily! Centrum pasivního domu 1 295 839
29 Implementation of the farm management planning in the Czech Republic Juniperia, z.s. 1 798 000
30 Resilience or Let’s Turn the Thread Into an Opportunity ZO ČSOP Veronica 1 791 401
31 Let ́s join our forces and return richness to nature of Brno Rezekvítek, z. s. 1 675 395
32 Awareness raising on climate change adaptation measures in the Czech towns using the Norwegian exp CI2 o. p. s. 1 105 838
33 Improving legal protection of environment in the Czech Republic Zelený kruh 1 758 816
34 The land trust of Podblanicko region – development of activities and care of valuable areas throug ZO ČSOP Vlašim 1 687 597
35 Natura park Ekocentrum PALETA 2 000 000
36 Revival of heritage fruit varietes Český svaz ochránců přírody 1 413 285
37 Children Live Outside. Increased Wellbeing and Env. Responsibility Via Play and Learning in Nature Sdružení Tereza, o.s. 1 709 199
38 Citizens For Vysočina Nature Sdružení Krajina 1 994 994
39 Implementation of good agricultural practices on case of the protection Montagu’s Harrier Tyto 1 358 764
40 Preparation of a join project with a participation from Norway STŘED,o.s. 63 000
41 Preparation of a join project with a participation from Norway Glopolis, o.p.s.
42 Norway-Czech ideas exchange for climate action Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic 147 200
43 Study tour to Norway - Adaptation to Climate Change CI2 o. p. s. 200 075
44 Increasing environmental advocacy know-how transfer between Norway and the Czech Republic Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic 170 920
45 Bridges to Island InBáze 203 964
46 Short-term internship employees from AI CR to Amnesty Norway - skillshare Amnesty International Česká republika, o.s. 126 555
47 PAKT I - Anticorruption Academic Club of Transparency I Transparency International Česká republika 156 046
48 From Streets to School Desks Romodrom o.p.s. 1 846 138
49 Fair School - Equal Chances for all Children Liga lidských práv 1 337 432
50 The Alternative- Helping Hands EUROTOPIA Opava o.p.s. 1 858 665
51 Gendalos - step toward successful studying IQ Roma servis 1 736 753
52 We grow together Rodiče a děti Kadaně, občanské sdružení 1 608 748
53 The education- the ground of life! Vzájemné soužití o.p.s. 1 327 868
54 Together we can do it Diakonie ČCE - středisko Milíčův dům 599 687
55 Two Heads Are Better Than One, 13 - 18 Years of Age Lata - Programy pro ohroženou mládež 1 049 793
56 Find the way out Liga lidských práv 1 315 971
57 Parents of Young Patients with Schizophrenia as Regional Coordinators of The Parent Program Česká asociace pro psychické zdraví 955 166
58 Active detection of endangered children and cooperation of organizations in district Kladno Obecně prospěšná společnost Sirius, o.p.s. 1 975 290
59 The family is one of the inevitable conditions of happiness Slezská diakonie 1 877 535
60 Comprehensive rehabilitation center for families with children under 18 years of D.R.A.K. Občanské sdružení D.R.A.K.   
61 Right for family - coordinated cooperation with families and institutions IQ Roma servis 1 856 322
62 Childern at home - with their parents or with foster carers Amalthea o.s. 1 829 000
63 PONTON - Club (Complex Support for Children and Adolescents Growing up in Foster Care) Středisko náhradní rodinné péče 1 566 575
64 Good start Středisko rané péče SPRP České Budějovice 450 000
65 Chance for children at risk in the Highlands STŘED,o.s. 2 000 000
66 By social entrepreneurship towards professionalism and transparency of NGOs P3 - People, Planet, Profit, o.p.s. 1 948 447
67 TranTTIP vs. Democracy – involvement of the public in pro-transparency and pro-democracy initiatives Iuridicum Remedium, o. s. 1 500 000
68 Reconstruction of the State: creating civil society partnerships for advocacy of anti-corruption law Frank Bold Society 1 989 249
69 Improving the public image of environmental NGOs in the Czech Republic Zelený kruh 1 499 645
70 Development of Civic Engagement NESEHNUTÍ Brno
71 Strengthening democratic decision making concerning Sumava National Park Hnutí DUHA - Friends of the Earth Czech Republic 1 657 350
72 Monitoring and promotion of good governance in investment activities of the Ministry of Transport Dopravní federace nevládních neziskových organizací o.s. 1 999 999
73 Plzeň - City of (Political) Culture: Support of Participatory Democracy on Local Level Centrum pro komunitní práci západní Čechy 1 763 591
74 Launching an avalanche of volunteering RATOLEST BRNO, občanské sdružení 1 578 237
75 Eco-counselling: Networking, Education, Methodics Síť ekologických poraden 1 079 008
76 Community to community Občanské sdružení Krok 907 144
77 abuse of municipal public media and public campaigns in municipal level in CR Oživení, o.s. 1 998 326
78 Pisek world - open for citizens Občanské sdružení Písecký svět 1 199 999
79 For stronger voice of residents of the Highlands in searching of a high-level radioactive waste repo Calla - Sdružení pro záchranu prostředí 939 810
80 Using Dialogue to Start up an Active Senior´s Citizenship Asociace center pro rodinu 1 402 521
81 Anticorruption Academic Club of Transparency Transparency International Česká republika 1 776 037
82 Transparency and Popularization of Municipal Politics in Prague 3 Občanské sdružení 983 992
83 Help and Support for Victims of Gender-based Violence proFem - konzultační středisko pro ženské projekty, o.p.s. 1 997 679
84 Comprehensive Aid to Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence and Their Loved Ones Persefona o. s. 1 799 994
85 Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Promotion of Women’s Career Growth Gender studies, o.p.s. 1 754 850
86 Together for Women: Let's Talk about It Jako doma - Homelike 1 662 477
87 Politics for Women, Women for Politics Fórum 50 %, o.p.s. 1 757 276
88 Stop Violence in Relationships Diakonie ČCE - Středisko křesťanské pomoci v Praze 1 987 498
89 Warriors against Violence on Women Pomoc v nouzi, o.p.s. 1 192 410
90 Through Women´s Eyes Centrum komunitní práce Ústí nad Labem 1 214 102
91 Equal Opportunities For Women and Men: Awareness-raising Activities across the Regions of the Czech Republic Český svaz žen o.s. 1 374 848
92 Magdala Diecézní charita Brno 1 625 000
93 Assert wheelchair users with spinal cord injury rights Česká asociace paraplegiků - CZEPA 1 192 629
94 Education to Respect and Toleration according to the Principles of the Open Society Institut Terezínské iniciativy 1 606 409
95 Gay rights are human rights Prague Pride 1 629 418
96 Limits of freedom Asi-milovaní 1 883 098
97 Crossing borders Sdružení pro integraci a migraci 1 045 589
98 Good bye hate - Good bye prejudices Nezávislé sociálně ekologické hnutí - Nesehnutí 1 110 523
99 GET INVOLVED! Programmes for Participation of Migrants and the Czech Majority Centrum pro integraci cizinců 1 985 000
100 We want to work Poradna pro občanství/Občanská a lidská práva 1 867 761
101 Let´s not punish twice RUBIKON Centrum 1 988 219
102 Streghtening the rights of working migrants Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům 1 290 153
103 Human Libraries against intolerance and discrimination Amnesty International Česká republika, o.s. 1 298 869
104 Evaluation of the Law of the Victims of the Criminal Actions and suggestions for partial measures La Strada Česká republika, o.p.s. 569 004
105 Justice without diference In IUSTITIA, o.p.s. 1 926 728
106 Together against racism Multikulturní centrum Praha 1 977 637
107 Raising Public Awareness about End-of-Life Rights and Care Alternatives Hospicové občanské sdružení Cesta domů 1 708 317
108 Don´t be afraid to employ us! Vrátka, o.s. 1 192 616
109 Bridges - foreigners and Czechs together create their story InBáze 1 521 175
110 Do we really know each other? Charita Olomouc 763 000
111 Hate does not belong on the internet Sdružení D 1 502 717
112 Decrease of discirmination and racism by correction of the media image of Roma ROMEA, o.p.s. 2 000 000
113 Together for the rights and safety Vzájemné soužití o.p.s. 814 000
114 The formation and evolution of the multicultural center in Prostějov Žebřík, o.s. 1 930 061